As a newcomer to RC helicopters, you are faced with an unmanageable flood of information. The web is full of "good tips" and people who seem to know everything better. On the airfields it looks not much different. Everyone swears that his helicopter, his remote control and his flybarless system are the very best and that everything else is "probably no good".
In fact, however, the facts are usually quite different. In truth, the tipster usually has only dubious half-knowledge. After many failures and detours, he eventually managed to get into the hobby in one way or another, but paid a high price for it. And quite logically, after so many failures, one has then also made friends with the most unsuitable material. At this point, one has accepted that, for example, the menu of the remote control is chaotic, the FBL system is nonsensical in programming and the helicopter is a flimsy box with a lot of life of its own. But now that it has worked out with the RC helicopter entry, the ultimately used material is canonized. At this point, something like a Stockholm syndrome inevitably arises, only on a material basis.
It can be done differently - with the Heli Shop method.
We have been showing for decades that there is another way. With Heli Shop, you have the partner at your side that you won't find anywhere else on the web and at the airfields. And that for over a quarter of a century.
Our concept
We create an ideal initial equipment. Starting from RC-Heli e.g. SAB Goblin RAW500 with the suitable installation components like X-Nova engine, Hobby Wing Platinum BL-Controller up to the most suitable servos of High Grade and a really suitable Flybarless Gyro - the MSH BRAIN 2.
As a Heli Shop customer, you automatically have a variety of exclusive benefits. Basically (almost) everything is possible here. Telephone support for all questions about the purchased RC helicopter, dedicated assistance with specific questions about the setup or adjustment of the RC helicopter. Precise explanations for the start-up of the helicopter, up to remote maintenance via Remote Desktop with explanations for the adjustment of the Flybarless System on the computer.
We answer every question about the purchased RC-Heli comprehensively and give not only tips. In addition, we have a flying site on site. So if you want to realize a trip to Heli Shop, you are welcome to do so by appointment. No matter what it is about. We can do an initial commissioning, or a transmitter - FBL connection. Fault diagnoses with subsequent repair are also feasible.
Countless RC-Heli beginners have mastered the fast and uncomplicated way into this instructive hobby over many years and found out that the fastest and most effective way is to follow our recommendations and not to be distracted by advice and tips from third parties.
So if you're serious about getting started in the hobby of RC helicopters, you've come to the right place.